Welcome to the Jeong Lab

Our Research

Iron is an essential micronutrient that serves as an essential cofactor in metabolic processes. However, the same chemical properties that make iron beneficial can lead to toxicity if iron is not properly regulated. Therefore, iron homeostasis must be highly controlled at the molecular, cellular, and physiological levels. Our goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms of iron regulation in plants. In the long term, our efforts will help improve plant growth, crop yield, and human nutrition.

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Our Laboratory

We are a group of primarily undergraduate students at Amherst College affiliated with the Department of Biology and Program in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Students in the laboratory work on research projects, mentor younger students, and participate in science outreach activities. There are many ways to get involved, including working as research assistants during the academic year and summer, as well as taking on more in-depth research as Honors Thesis and Special Topics students.

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Diversity & Inclusion

The Jeong Lab is committed to fostering and preserving an environment that is inclusive and supportive of students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds. We value the myriad differences–including those of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, nationality, ability, socio-economic background and religion, among many–that each of our unique members bring to the lab space and beyond. We firmly believe that embracing our members' diverse perspectives creates the best learning environment and allows our lab to conduct compelling and robust biology research.